Thursday, October 29, 2009

Yay Hambly!

So a couple of weekends ago I was at an all day crop. I'd packed my coveted Hambly Christmas rub-ons for use on a mini-book I was planning to do that day. Unfortunately, when I attempted to use them they fell apart on acrylic and wouldn't even come off the sheet on paper. *GASP* How is this possible? One of my favorite things about Hambly rub-ons is that they go down like butt-ah (butter). I started the day with a plan to make them the focus of my design, and my poor scrapmate had to endure a good 15mins of whining while I tried to regroup and redirect my design.

The next day (Sunday) I decided to e-mail Hambly in hopes that they would replace them (afterall, they're pricey and I had 2 non-returnable packages of them. Tuesday I was a bit bummed because my e-mail hadn't received a response.

Wednesday my husband brought in the mail and told me I had a package. Package? I hadn't ordered anything lately. Well much to my surprise it was replacement Hambly rub-ons. So YAY HAMBLY! for taking care of your customers and for doing it so promptly.

Now, here's hopin' these rub-on like buttah!

Still in love with Hambly Rub-ons.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Yay for Hambly! Mollie, how did I not know you had a blog??? Cool!